• (949) 287-8439
  • paideia@breakthrough.chat

Intellectual-Spiritual Self-Healing

Sunday, April 24, 2022

* BreakThrough heals and sets you free from all your spiritual hidden inner wounds and illnesses permanently.

* All your spiritual wounds are healed permanently through the Intellectual-Spiritual Self-Detoxification and Self-Purification.

* No more unwanted sadness (isolation, loneliness, fear, worry, anxiety, stress, depression, sorrow, regret, resentment, and many undesirable mental conditions and states).

* You gradually regain and revitalize your maximum physical, mental, and intellectual strength, energy, and power. 

* This is a conditional promise. You will enter, ultimately become oneness with this secret new world, like heaven on earth. Your new world is The Eternal, Ultimate Beauty, Intelligence, Justice, Love, Friendship, Happiness, and Deathless.

* Your world will change completely, and you will never wish to look back again. Paideia welcomes you to the world among the wisest, richest, and most noble people far beyond material wealth.

* Secret of Eternal Love

Breakthrough Self-Communication, Self-Understanding, Self-Attentive, Self-Gentleness, Self-Peacefulness, Self-Agreeing, Self-Reasonable, Self-Logical, Self-Rational, Self-Sincerity, Self-Truthfulness, Self-Harmonious, Self-Mastered, Self-Control, Self-Responsibility, Self-Realization, Self-Enlightenment, Self-Manifestation, Self-Actualization.

Over 50 years Ancient Secret Wisdom of Guardian and Beyond Breakthrough.