• (949) 287-8439
  • paideia@breakthrough.chat

Gain the Greatest Victory of All Victories

Monday, April 25, 2022

* Gain the Greatest Victory of All Victories.

* People may have accomplished many significant recognitions in sports, music, entertainment, technology, war, battle, and empirical science throughout the ages.

* Only a few elite people could break through and accomplish the most excellent Spiritual Intelligence, Power of Rejuvenation, Longevity, and Immortality challenge. Breakthrough is the greatest pride and honor among the Humanities. 

* Nothing can compare or be worthwhile as the Intellectual Power of The Mind and Spiritual Achievement.

* Physical exercise is not the same as mental exercise. Physical pain is  mental pain that is not the same as mental pain.

* Physical work and endurance are different from mental work and persistence. All physical achievements and endurance are not the ultimate mental, intellectual, or spiritual perseverance and accomplishment.

Over 50 years Ancient Secret Wisdom of Guardian and Beyond Breakthrough.